Page 1750 - Week 06 - Thursday, 19 May 1994

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AMA Federal President, Dr Brendan Nelson, and ACT Branch spokesman on smoking, Dr Mark Hurwitz, made an eleventh hour plea to Assembly committee members examining the proposed smoke-free areas legislation, to take a tough stand on the issue.

The committee's report is expected to be tabled in the ACT Legislative Assembly tomorrow.

"Once again, the ACT is in a position to lead Australia with landmark public health legislation.

"Members of the Assembly have an important opportunity to introduce substantial protection for the public, and in particular children, against the harmful effects of environmental tobacco smoke," the doctors said.

"Passive smoking is a killer. Population studies have confirmed that passive smoking causes lung cancer amongst non-smokers and there is increasing evidence that passive smoking also causes heart disease.

"One US study concluded that passive smoking is the third leading preventable cause of death after active smoking and alcohol abuse.

"We need to remember that cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals and at least 43 cancer causing agents.

"And bronchitis, chronic sinusitis, asthma, emphysema and cardiovascular disease can be aggravated by exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.

"This legislation will not only protect non-smokers, but will also help smokers kick the habit by further restricting places where they can smoke.

"Smokers can choose not to smoke, but non-smokers can't give up breathing.

"The ACT Health Minister is to be congratulated for taking up this legislation with vigour. The whole Assembly now needs to back this sensible, practical and crucial public health measure," the doctors said.

Madam Speaker, they are not my words; they are the words of the Federal AMA. I can assure members that, as we speak, Mr Moore's report is being couriered by one of my staff to the Federal AMA, who will look very carefully at this proposed so-called air-conditioning standard. All the advice I have received is that this is not a public health standard; it is not designed to provide environmental health standards.

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