Page 1619 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 17 May 1994

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Mr Cornwell: When did they all start?

MR WOOD: Hang on. The council is already running programs. It has a continuous program and is running programs with the money there now. The money is committed and those programs will be under way. Commitment has been given to those programs. The $167,000 that I think Ms Szuty mentioned is still held, as I understand it, by the long service leave board. Because of the efficiency of this industry based group, we have clearly marked, as Ms Szuty indicated, where it ought to be going. Mr De Domenico and Mrs Carnell were saying, "They cannot handle the money. They do not know what to do with it". You are wrong. Mr De Domenico tried to say that there was $4.5m or something in the apprenticeship scheme and that that is all we need; that that is enough.

Mr De Domenico: No, I did not say that at all. Tell the whole truth.

MR WOOD: That is something totally different.

Mr Berry: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. I have heard interjections imputing that the Minister is not telling the truth. I think they have to be withdrawn.

MADAM SPEAKER: Yes, I do think that has to be withdrawn, Mr De Domenico.

Mr De Domenico: I withdraw, Madam Speaker.

Mr Lamont: And Mrs Carnell before him.

MADAM SPEAKER: No, I did not hear that one. Continue, Mr Wood. If I hear it again, I will ask for it to be withdrawn.

MR WOOD: Madam Speaker, I think I have answered Ms Szuty's questions.

Mr Moore: What was the $208,000 for?

MR WOOD: The $208,000 was for the competency development service.

Mr Moore: What does that mean?

MR WOOD: Someone may slip a note over your shoulder, Mr Moore. Ms Szuty was concerned about the long time it had taken to get this together. I acknowledge that it has been quite a time because there has been a fairly long period of discussion. The Government and the Industry Training Council for a long time did not agree on some of the mechanisms. We had long debates about those, and the consideration did go on for quite a period. If it did take a long time, I think it can be said that it has been most carefully considered. At the end of that four years it was only in the last minute, so to speak, that there was some concern, I think for different reasons not related to this, expressed by some of the groups. Ms Szuty, the training guarantee levy has gone, but I think that that does not, as you said, absolve the industry from training.

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