Page 1487 - Week 05 - Thursday, 12 May 1994

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MR LAMONT: I suppose, for a bit of comic relief, we may as well continue the nonsense that has been going on for the last 15 minutes. Mr Deputy Speaker, it is propitious that we have Mr De Domenico, the wet Liberal from that side of the chamber, in the vanguard for true social reform, raising these sorts of matters in the way that he has. I find it absolutely laughable that Mr De Domenico would attempt to create an issue. In fact, he had a Bronwyn Bishop press conference at 2 o'clock. He turned up and the media turned up somewhere else.

Mr Connolly: They were walking through a shopping centre with me, promoting consumer affairs.

MR LAMONT: Yes, to try to - - -

Mr De Domenico: Your minder turned up trying to do a deal. If you are going to get angry, mate, let us get into it. Just tell the whole truth.


MR LAMONT: "Let us get angry", he says. I asked one of my staff to go along to the press conference just to make sure that it was as ridiculous as we thought it would be. He came back and confirmed that that was the case.

Mr De Domenico: He asked, "How deep do you want me to dig?". He said, "How deep do you want me to dig so that I can protect little Davy baby?". That is what he said.

MR LAMONT: That is what good staff are for, unlike your own, Mr De Domenico. The core of the proposition that has been put by Mr De Domenico needs to be addressed in the widest possible form. Mr Kaine, you can relax because you would not have asked such a silly question, or put up a silly proposition like the one that Mr De Domenico has gone on with.

Mr Wood: I like that stance. I am going to use that.

MR LAMONT: Do you like that? It is okay.

Mr Connolly: It is a bit of a problem for me, though.

Mr De Domenico: A cigarette, too, would be nice.


Mr Connolly: Gary, we are disadvantaged.

MR LAMONT: When you are the world's best Consumer Affairs Minister you do not need to lean back.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, please!

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