Page 1485 - Week 05 - Thursday, 12 May 1994

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Let us talk about something else - something that I brought up in this place at another time, the 10 February 1993 submission by Pacific Waste Management to ACT City Services for the provision of domestic garbage collection in Canberra. We brought this up in a question the other day. Correspondence was subsequently received from the ACT Department of Urban Services by Pacific Waste Management requiring Pacific Waste Management to supply a letter from the Transport Workers Union sanctioning an enterprise agreement with its owner-drivers. If that is not getting very close to being discrimination, it is at least a bit of a worry.

Mrs Carnell: It is over the line.

MR DE DOMENICO: I think it is over the line, as Mrs Carnell said. These are the sorts of issues that the Opposition is concerned about. A lot of people in this community are concerned about them too; but, no, the people opposite just sit there and laugh. We all know why they do it, Mr Deputy Speaker. They want to ensure the maximum possible position on ALP how-to-vote cards for the prospective election. Let us make no bones about it.

Mrs Carnell: And they want the money.

MR DE DOMENICO: They want the money that these unions bring to campaigns. It is as simple as that. We have to get into the political reality. That is what it is all about. Let us talk about something else. The things I have talked about might not have been too close to home, but let us talk about something else. Who will ever forget, Mr Deputy Speaker - here it is - this media invitation on the letterhead of the Australian Labor Party, Australian Capital Territory Branch? Mr Moore should listen to this because it goes right to his Bill. It says:

Please note: The Administrative Committee of the Party has reaffirmed the longstanding federal and state policy that all journalists and crews will only be admitted to the Conference if they are members of the relevant union.

That is on an ALP letterhead. If you are not a member of the union, you cannot get into the conference. You are out. This is Mr Berry standing up - - -

Mr Lamont: But we let you in for so many years.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Please continue, Mr De Domenico.

Mr Lamont: Tony used to attend the ALP conferences. Didn't you know?

MR DE DOMENICO: If Mr Lamont had been listening to the debate he would have known that I was talking about the local ALP conference, which I have never attended in my life, and probably would not be able to attend because I am not a member of the union.

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