Page 1382 - Week 05 - Wednesday, 11 May 1994

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(e) specify the place at which, and the manner in which, the prescribed penalty may be paid; and

(f) contain such other particulars (if any) as are prescribed.

"(4) If the prescribed penalty is paid in accordance with the offence notice -

(a) any liability of the person in respect of the alleged prescribed steroids offence shall be deemed to be discharged;

(b) no further proceedings shall be taken in respect of the alleged prescribed steroids offence; and

(c) the person shall not be regarded as having been convicted of the alleged prescribed steroids offence.

"(5) Any substance, equipment or object seized under any Act in connection with the alleged prescribed steroids offence that would have been liable to forfeiture in the event of a conviction shall, on payment of the prescribed penalty in accordance with the offence notice, be forfeited to the Territory.

"(6) Subject to subsection (4), nothing in this section shall be construed as affecting the institution or prosecution of proceedings for a prescribed steroids offence.

"(7) In this section -

'child' means a person who is under the age of 18 years on the date of the alleged offence;

'prescribed steroids offence' means an offence under section 47ZA where the alleged offender possesses no more than 15 ampoules, or 30 tablets, of an anabolic steroid.

"(8) In relation to a prescribed steroids offence, the prescribed penalty is $40.".

I have moved these two amendments together because they are designed specifically to provide for a more rational approach to drug policy in this area, as in other areas. Generally in Australia there has been a movement away from harsh drug policy with regard to personal use of drugs, and these amendments are to deal with personal use.

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