Page 1352 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 10 May 1994

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I would like to comment a little further and to refer specifically to a media release put out on 21 April by the Minister. It was headed "New Guidelines for Residential Redevelopment". I found it very interesting. It is true that the committee of this Assembly has looked at B1, B2 and now this particular report. However, the rest of Canberra and guidelines for the rest of Canberra have, I believe, not been adequately addressed. Therefore, I certainly welcome the Minister's announcement that these new guidelines will be coming down.

I have some doubts about some of the comments that the Minister is quoted in the Canberra Weekly of 28 April as making. He made great play of the Territory Plan coming into operation in October last year following a very extensive public consultation program. Regrettably, Minister, although there may have been an extensive public consultation program, I do not believe that most residents of the ACT realised the effect that the Territory Plan would have upon their lifestyle. Therefore, I welcome this revisiting of new guidelines for residential redevelopment. I think it will give people the opportunity to come back and tell the committee what they think about aspects of the Territory Plan. The Minister went on in the Canberra Weekly article to say:

... the privacy and amenity of established areas will be protected, so there are controls to ensure that any increased densities do not unacceptably affect the existing residents. These controls cover such matters as setback, maximum height, open space requirements, controls on external appearance and traffic and parking arrangements. They are complemented by provisions for comment by neighbours on proposals and a right of appeal against decisions of the approving authorities. Sites and buildings having heritage values protected by specific legislation and the views of the ACT Heritage Council must be considered.

These are fine words, Madam Speaker; but the reality for many residents in the ACT is far from those words. Mr Kaine earlier made comments in relation to Yarralumla. I have had complaints from residents all over the ACT as well as residents from Yarralumla, and it appears to me that this question of the guidelines needs to be revisited. I therefore welcome the Minister's 21 April announcement. I look forward to the Planning Authority drawing up these new guidelines and bringing them to the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee as soon as possible.

I also note that the Minister's statement quite specifically said that the new guidelines will supplement those already prepared for redevelopment in the central spine in North Canberra, Kingston and Griffith and in the Forrest, Red Hill, Deakin, Griffith historic areas. I can assure you that, from the Opposition's point of view, we will take the word "supplement" literally.

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