Page 968 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 19 April 1994

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f. Page 49, line 2, proposed new paragraph 125(2), add the following paragraph:

"(d) an elector who is enrolled by virtue of his or her enrolment on the Commonwealth roll as an itinerant elector.".

These amendments are consequential upon the passage of Mr Humphries's amendment concerning itinerant voters. They are tidying up and housekeeping matters only, but they are necessary to give effect in the appropriate parts to the last amendment.

Amendments agreed to.

Sitting suspended from 5.49 to 8.00 pm

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (8.00): Madam Speaker, I seek leave to move Government amendments Nos 8 and 9 together.

Leave granted.


8. Page 24, line 27, proposed new subsection 74(2), after paragraph (a) insert the following paragraph:

"(aa)  a person shall not be taken to be enrolled under subsection 67(5) or 69(2) if the person's enrolment on the Commonwealth roll is effected during the closure;".

9. Page 24, line 30, proposed new paragraph 74(2)(c), omit "or", substitute "and".

Madam Speaker, these two amendments amend proposed new subsection 74(2) to ensure that a person who secures enrolment on the Commonwealth roll during the period when rolls are closed for an ACT election would not be taken to be enrolled on the ACT roll for the ACT election. These amendments will close what was an unintended loophole in the Bill.

Amendments agreed to.

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