Page 929 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 19 April 1994

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cannot get the pensioner concession card, what is the solution? There is no solution from this Government. They talk about a seniors card. I accept that that is available to everybody, but what is their answer to the superannuants sitting on expensive properties where there are very high rates?

Mr De Domenico: Platitudes.

MR CORNWELL: Platitudes. The Chief Minister's answer to this is:

Older people can defer the payment of their rates to a later date when they are better off ...

I must admit that I am a little apprehensive about this. I have an 89-year-old father-in-law. I am not sure that he would be in any position to defer his rates to a later date when he was better off. This is a nonsense from whoever wrote this rubbish. The Chief Minister went on:

... or can arrange for the deferred rates to be paid out of their estate.

This indicates the abysmal ignorance of this Government in their attitude to such people. They do not seem to realise that elderly people do not wish to leave debts. They do not wish to leave debts to be picked up by their children. They have a fundamental objection to this. It is a great pity that the Chief Minister herself is not here to listen to what I am saying. She has left the chamber. She has made her statement - - -

Mr Berry: That might send you a message about the quality of what you are saying.

MR CORNWELL: No; that is an indication of what - - -

Mr Kaine: She is demonstrating her interest in the ageing by not even being here for the debate.

MR CORNWELL: Correct; that is an indication of her genuine interest in the ageing. She is not even in the chamber - and this is the person who has just made a ministerial statement on the ageing. I think really the evidence as presented there - - -

Mr De Domenico: She will be backed up by Mr Berry when we hear from him in a minute.

MR CORNWELL: Yes. The problem with this Government is that it does not address the social needs of people; it selectively addresses them. They talk about social welfare measures for those in greatest need. I suggest that you are being selective even in that area. I believe that, quite properly, the needs of the ageing that you are neglecting will come home to you all to roost at the next election.

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