Page 1272 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 April 1994

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(Land Division)

Officers should perform their duties and conduct themselves in a manner which ensures that they maintain a reputation for fair detailing and responsiveness. The following precepts if ethical behaviour, which amplify the guidelines contained in Guidelines on Office Conduct of Commonwealth Public Servants, should be observed by all officers.

General Code

1. Officers should perform their duties impartially, uninfluenced by

fear or favour.

2. Officers should be frank and honest in their dealings with

colleagues and the public.

3. Officers should avoid situations in which their private interests,

whether pecuniary or otherwise, conflict or might reasonably be

thought to conflict with their public duty.

4. When officers possess, directly or indirectly, an interest which

conflicts or might reasonably be thought to conflict with their

public duty, or improperly to influence their conduct in the

discharge of their responsibilities in respect to some matter with

which they are concerned, they should disclose that interest

according to the prescribed procedures and in the first instance to

their Section/Branch Head. Should circumstances change after an

initial disclosure has been made, so that new or additional facts

become material, the further information should be disclosed.

5. When the interests of members of their immediate family are

involved, officers should disclose those interests, to the extent that

they are known.

6. When officers possess an interest which conflicts with their duties

and such interest is not prescribed as a qualification for their

office, they should forthwith divest themselves of that interest,

secure their removal from the duties in question, or obtain the

authorisation of their superior or colleagues to continue to

discharge the duties.

7. Officers should not use information obtained in the course of

official duties to gain directly or indirectly a pecuniary advantage

for themselves or for any other person.


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