Page 1041 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 20 April 1994

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Mr Humphries: Only when they are there already.

MR LAMONT: So what you are saying is that if a developer says, as we are requiring them more and more to do, "We will put in tree plantings in this area; we will then sell the blocks and allow the houses to be constructed", that is fine?

Mr Humphries: I will answer the question when I get up to reply.

MR LAMONT: I presume, from what you have just said, that you acknowledge that that is fine. If you acknowledge that and can identify that, I have no difficulties in essence with your motion. I do say, however, that there is some scope in a place such as the golf course estate in Tuggeranong, where there has been, I understand, an overall strategy developed for streetscapes, treescapes and tree canopy, unilaterally to change that.

Mr Humphries: No-one is talking about changing it, David.

MR LAMONT: Yes, you are.

Mr Humphries: No.

MR LAMONT: To some extent you are, Gary; you have to acknowledge that. I will acknowledge that you have not had much experience in planning matters and so forth, and I certainly take on board the views expressed by your colleague, the former chair of the Planning Committee and the former deputy chair of the Planning Committee, and believe that - - -

Mr Kaine: Also a former chair of the Planning Committee.

MR LAMONT: I did say that, Mr Kaine - and former leader of the Liberal Party and former deputy leader of the Liberal Party.

Mr Stevenson: Former Chief Minister; throw that in.

MR LAMONT: Former Chief Minister - - -

Mr Connolly: Twice former leader of the Liberal Party.

MR LAMONT: Twice former leader of the Liberal Party.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Might I suggest that all members acknowledge the Chair in making their comments.

MR LAMONT: Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker. I do not think he has been a former deputy chair.

Mr Humphries: Or deputy leader.

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