Page 670 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 12 April 1994

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(4) No, it is not correct that revenue from payroll tax increased by 34.2% between 1990-91 and 1991-92. Revenue from ACT payroll tax increased from $80 million in 1990-91 to $86.6 million in 199192 representing an 8.25 % increase between the two years.

(5) A comparison of the ACT Government service compensation costs with those of the public services of other States is not readily

available, as figures published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics

for each State and Territory include all levels of Government

operating in each jurisdiction, ie, Commonwealth, State and local

government. They therefore do not show separately the costs of

workers compensation for each State or Territory Government

public service.

Clearly, the proportions of each level of government will vary significantly between the ACT and other States and territories. In addition, the schemes operating in each State have different levels of benefits and therefore different cost structures. Acknowledging these limitations, a comparison of 1990-91 and 1991-92 ACT Government costs with published ABS data on public sector costs in other States appears to confirm that the ACT had the highest increase and that its ranking rose to second.

(6) The total premiums paid or expected to be paid to Comcare by all ACT Government agencies and statutory authorities for the years 1991-92 to 1993-94 are as follows:


Premium paid ($m)

Increase over

previous year (%)










* Excludes Calvary Hospital for comparison purposes

The figure for 1993-94 is based on estimated salaries and wages and is subject to adjustment once the final salary figures are known. The increase over 1992-93 is a result of factors such as higher average claim costs and adjustments for greater than expected claims costs in 1992-93.


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