Page 650 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 12 April 1994

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amendments to the VITAB contract. I think I said during the course of that answer that the amendments would relate to something which was commercial-in-confidence and that I was not going to hand those over. Amidst a barrage of interjections, I said to the Liberals:

You are the people who are raising the suspicion and trying to create some mystery about the whole arrangement. What has happened is that the ACT Labor Government has struck a good deal, a good deal which returns - - -

This was on 2 March this year. I continued:

I have told you the details of it.

In the next paragraph I said:

I am telling you that what happened in relation to this was that the ACT Government spotted a good deal ... we went after it.

I am talking about back in October of the previous year. I suspect that there were interjections going on because this is rather broken up. I said:

What we also did, and what I personally was involved in, was to make sure that the deal was safe with respect to the Territory.

The Chief Minister has made it clear that these things have to be seen in context, and I think that is fair. I was the one - nobody denies this, I do not think - who sent the matter off to the Law Office and the Treasury to have it checked out. If you look at what was said there in relation to what I had done previously, it is very clear, and I need not say any more about that matter.

Madam Speaker, Mr De Domenico did raise the matter of a private company, or a public company, and I have to admit to sending him to the wrong place. The response was in relation to a question raised earlier about the VITAB directors. I had said that they were Mr Kolomanski, Mr McMahon and Mr Dowd, as my evidence presented today demonstrated, and I said that you could research that yourself if you wanted to confirm it. The contract was signed, and I described whom it was signed by. Mr De Domenico interjected:

So Mr Hawke is not a director?

I said:

You asked who signed the thing, and I am telling you who signed it.

Mr De Domenico interjected again:

Yes, but who are the directors again?

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