Page 640 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 12 April 1994

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MR DE DOMENICO: That is for you to answer, Minister. That is point No. 1. Point No. 2, Mr Minister, is this: You also presented to this Assembly a document which was transmitted to you today, signed by Daniel Kolomanski. Ms Szuty, in fact, asked a question before, saying that she was confused because of the company structure or whatever. I am going to suggest to you, Mr Minister, that the only change that this document tells us is that, as well as Daniel Kolomanski, Mr McMahon and Oak Ltd, there may be, if we believe this piece of paper, a fourth director now, a Mr Dowd. That still does not mean that you did not mislead the Assembly because, when you were asked repeatedly, even in interjections sometimes, "What about Oak Ltd?", not once did you acknowledge that, in fact, Oak Ltd was a director of VITAB. This piece of paper that you presented does not say that Mr Dowd is a director in substitute for Oak Ltd. It just says that Mr Dowd has been added as a director. Why did you not tell us that Oak Ltd was a director?

Mr Berry: I think I said that I would look into it and report back.

MR DE DOMENICO: No, no. You said that you had done a search. You got Price Waterhouse to do a search.

Mr Berry: No, I said that I would look into that and report back later.

MR DE DOMENICO: Thank you. That is the interjection I wanted. The Minister said, "I said that I would look into that and report back later". Minister, you did not report back later. The earliest you reported was today.

Mr Berry: That was the last sitting, I think.

MR DE DOMENICO: The earliest you reported was today and you gave us this facsimile of something that is not even on a letterhead. That is another point. Minister, on the Matthew Abraham show on, I think, 17 March, you said:

What's wrong? All of a sudden there's an aversion by the Liberals to dealing with private companies.

You cannot have it both ways. Either it is a public company or it is a private company.

Mr Berry: So I said that it was a private company.

MR DE DOMENICO: What did you say to the Assembly? You said that it was a public company. You said:

It is a public company, and Tony De Domenico can do a search through the ASC company records, if he wants to confirm that.

That is what you said. Mr Minister, you presented a statutory declaration, signed by Mr Michael Dowd, suggesting that he had nothing to do with Mr Alan Tripp. No-one ever suggested that Mr Dowd had anything to do with anything. No-one asked you whether he had anything to do with Mr Alan Tripp. May I ask you another question?

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