Page 582 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 12 April 1994

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So, Mrs Carnell, you have attempted to mislead again, because you have tried to make out that this was a direction, and I have to say that I have received clear advice that this document is an approval. This is what the letter says. Had Mrs Carnell read the letter, she would have read these words:

This approval is given pursuant to Section 7(1)(d) of the Betting (Totalizator Administration) Act 1964.

Why distort it? There is no need to distort it. The letter itself tells you the story. The Act tells you the story. So there we have it. This is just another of the distortions that we have been forced to tolerate as a result of the antagonism - dare I say it - of those members of the Opposition who have some sort of a fixation about ACTTAB and the Territory.

There are a number of other specific allegations that I misled the house, but before I respond to them it is important for me to once again recount the events relating to and after the signing of the VITAB agreement. I do this so that the facts of this matter are laid before the house clearly and so that members can come to an objective view about the matter - a view which cuts through the assertions, half-truths and smokescreen which have been presented by the Opposition throughout this matter.

In looking at this issue it is important that members have an appreciation of where the racing industry is heading in this country and how TABs throughout the country are meeting the challenges of increased competition for the gambling dollar. In essence, there is a move to export Australian racing to Asia and the USA. In June 1993 the Victorian TAB established an operation in Vanuatu to receive bets from Asia and the Pacific. Recently there have been reports of Sky Channel providing punters with live telecasts of New South Wales races through a satellite link to the New South Wales TAB. It was against this background of major change in the nature of the racing and gambling industry in Australia that the ACTTAB-VITAB agreement was pursued by ACTTAB.

In late June 1993 - Mr Kaine, you asked to hear all this, so I will present it to you - VITAB approached ACTTAB regarding the possibility of providing computer facilities for their proposed Vanuatu based betting agency. I understand that on 14 July 1993 the chief executive of ACTTAB presented a paper to the ACTTAB board - the independent ACTTAB board, but they are a statutory authority - detailing the proposed arrangement with VITAB and seeking their agreement to proceeding with further discussions. On 22 July, following advice from VITAB that ACTTAB was the preferred TAB, the ACTTAB board discussed the matter. I am advised that the board of ACTTAB agreed at that meeting that they should continue negotiations with VITAB and seek my approval for the project. Of course, I take you back to the approval which was given pursuant to section 7(1)(d) of the Betting (Totalizator Administration) Act and to the attempt at throwing some more mud which was made by Mrs Carnell earlier on. There we have it. This matter, of course, was one of some significant benefit to the Territory.

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