Page 576 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 12 April 1994

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and so on. Mrs Carnell, on 29 March, decided to ask VITAB about some of their private affairs, after all the mud had been thrown at their directors and anybody else associated with the company. Of course, VITAB responded to that. We have received a copy of the response. They acknowledged receipt of the letter and they went on to say:

We note that this is the first occasion that you or your colleagues have sought any contact or information on or from Vitab. Much of the information requested is a matter of public record. The many statements that you and your colleagues have made imply that you have a detailed knowledge of Vitab and its operations.

They had not contacted them once before. The letter went on:

This is clearly at odds with your letter.

Of course, your letter admits that you know nothing, yet you are prepared to throw mud. The letter continued:

We are also very concerned that your letter may be construed as an attempt to circumvent the independent inquiry.

Funny, that! The letter further stated:

If this is so, then we view this as a very serious matter indeed.

We have forwarded a copy of this letter to the Chief Minister of the ACT and have requested that your letter and our response be forwarded to the Chairperson of the Inquiry.

That demonstrates the tone of the whole Liberal thrust in this matter. This is a game of politics where you throw as much mud as you can and see whether some of it will stick.

There are other people who have been blackened in this process. The first one I will go to is, of course, a Mr Bartholomew. Much has been said about Mr Bartholomew being at a place where a Mr Tripp was once - over here at the Hyatt Hotel - as if there were some criminality that fell on the Government or Ministers of the Government as a result of that. There was also reference to the Costigan royal commission. Bartholomew was mentioned right through that, but not once did it mention that he was charged or convicted in relation to that matter so - - -

Mrs Carnell: Bartholomew was convicted in 1981 and 1982.

Mr De Domenico: Bartholomew has been convicted twice.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Mrs Carnell was heard in silence.

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