Page 428 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 2 March 1994

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The Government is participating in a major construction project, Harcourt Hill tourist development in Gungahlin. The development, with an estimated cost of $75m, will comprise a quality residential estate of some 1,500 blocks, a championship golf course and associated country club, as well as convention facilities and a site for a three-and-a-half- to four-star hotel. (Extension of time granted) The development of these facilities for local, interstate and international visitors will enhance Canberra's reputation as a tourist destination. The project will contribute to the Territory's economic growth through the creation of up to 200 jobs during the construction phase and another 200 when facilities are completed, and through revenues, with around $40m expected to flow to the Territory from the project between 1994 and 1998.

I have also been working with another arm of my department to develop the ACT environment strategy, which will provide a framework for the review and revision of appropriate strategies and legislation needed for effective environmental management. This will set the direction for achieving the preferred environmental future for the ACT to 2020. A draft version of this strategy is currently out for community consultation, and comments received will be used in developing a final strategy. We will also work on the ACT environment education strategy, which will link the issues identified in the ACT environment strategy. The environment education strategy will focus on education as a lifelong process and will encourage environmental awareness, understanding, values and action. Integrated environment protection legislation is being developed to replace the existing separate Acts covering such issues as air, water, noise, pesticides and ozone protection. A public discussion paper on broad principles for the new legislation is currently out and further opportunities for community consultation will be provided as the legislation is developed.

We are also paying very careful attention to water issues and to water quality. Improving water quality is another major concern for government in 1994. Efforts will focus particularly on working with the community to address water quality issues. Actions include involving the community in water quality monitoring through the ACT Waterwatch program; working with the community to prevent and manage major outbreaks of blue-green algae by implementing the ACT algal action plan; encouraging the building industry to minimise water pollution during residential building development; and participating in the Cooperative Research Centre on Freshwater Ecology, which will develop a better understanding of freshwater systems and establish sustainable management strategies. We will be in a better position to assess our performance in environmental management issues later this year. Following the Government's creation of Australia's first statutory Commissioner for the Environment and the appointment of Dr Joe Baker as inaugural commissioner, his first state of the environment report will be provided to me later this year for tabling and discussion in the Assembly.

Madam Speaker, these are a few of the significant matters that are before me as Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning. They indicate that we are very clearly focused on what is to occur in Canberra this year in line with the way Canberra ought to develop into the longer term. We are determined to see that the city of Canberra remains environmentally the very best city in Australia. We are not just going to keep it that way; we are actually moving to make it better and better.

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