Page 314 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 1 March 1994
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apply across participating jurisdictions in the areas of air, water, noise, hazardous wastes, motor vehicle emissions, and recycling. My colleague the Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning will be making a statement to outline further the ACT's progress towards the national ecologically sustainable development and greenhouse response strategies.
To improve the efficiency of the COAG process, heads of government agreed that jurisdictions should plan on the assumption that the council will aim to meet on the third Friday of February and August. The council also agreed that, consistent with these proposals, the date for its next meeting should be Friday, 19 August 1994, in Darwin. I leave it to members to understand why I will probably not be attending the meeting on the third Friday of February in 1995. I have also accepted the invitation to join with Premiers and the Northern Territory Chief Minister in a States and Territories forum which will precede each COAG. The ACT's acceptance as a legitimate player in this additional national forum further cements our place as an important component of our Federation.
Madam Speaker, for the information of members, I table the communique of the third meeting of the Council of Australian Governments and a copy of this statement. I move:
That the Assembly takes note of the papers.
Debate (on motion by Mrs Carnell) adjourned.
MR WOOD (Minister for Education and Training, Minister for the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (3.27): I present, for the information of members, the ACT's report on the progress towards the national strategy for ecologically sustainable development and the national greenhouse response strategy. I move:
That the Assembly takes note of the paper.
Madam Speaker, it is with considerable pleasure that I table, for the information of this Assembly, the Government's report on the ACT's progress towards the national strategy for ecologically sustainable development and the national greenhouse response strategy. Throughout the world, people have recognised that their future well-being depends upon the management of their natural environment in an ecologically sustainable way. A healthy, natural environment should be a birthright for all, and future generations have a right to the same choices and benefits that we ourselves have enjoyed. It is our responsibility as members of the community to manage the environment to achieve this. The Government has responded positively to this challenge and has demonstrated its strong
commitment to effective environmental management.
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