Page 74 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 22 February 1994

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received some advice from the Department of Education about the components of their assessment of the site as being suitable for residential development. The four criteria that they listed were the distance of the proposed redevelopment site from the school buildings, the topography and the use made by the school of the proposed redevelopment site, the number of children attending and projected to attend Lyons Primary School in relation to the availability and accessibility of suitable play space, and the opportunities afforded by the playing field on an adjacent site, and finally the costs associated with the maintenance of a relatively unused part of the schoolgrounds.

Debate interrupted.


MADAM SPEAKER: Order! It being 9.30 pm, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Berry: I require the question to be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.



Report on Draft Variation to the Territory Plan - Lyons

Debate resumed.

MS SZUTY: There were a few matters concerning the recommendation that the Planning Committee has made that Mr Lamont did not touch on, but he did point out that the committee had come up with a number of conditions in addition to those required by the ACT Planning Authority for development of the site. One is that vehicular access to the site from Launceston Street should be denied except from a roundabout to be constructed at the Devonport Street and Launceston Street intersection, which he did talk about. This should be constructed prior to the construction of the residential development.

The maximum number of units will be increased from the original 20 to 22 and the site is to be provided with security lighting to the satisfaction of the ACT Planning Authority. We further recommend that the sale conditions for the site require that during construction the site shall be fenced to ensure that no access is possible to schoolchildren at any time, that all access shall be from Launceston Street only, that provision be made for parking of all construction and workers' vehicles on the site, that no trees be removed without the approval of the department and that trees to be retained be protected by physical barriers during construction. Finally, Madam Speaker, in endorsing the draft variation as amended, the committee noted the urgent need for the ACT Department of Urban Services and the Electoral Commission to negotiate a solution to bus parking problems in Launceston Street associated with the activities of the Electoral Commission. The committee believes that this needs to occur to resolve the parking difficulties which are currently creating a safety hazard on the site.

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