Page 32 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 22 February 1994

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itself included a valuable dissertation on the machinery of government, as well as other papers relating to how the process of public sector reform might be continued within a separate service. Also included was an outline of the points for discussion between the ACT and Commonwealth governments. The successful conclusion of those negotiations was clearly central to the establishment of a separate service.

Mr Kaine: Who was this? This is Karl Marx you are quoting, is it?

MR LAMONT: He continued:

Both parties are no doubt concerned with getting the best possible outcome for their public sectors.

Mr Kaine said, "Who was this person?". It was Mr De Domenico, Mr Kaine. Obviously you, the person about to assume his mantle as a member of this committee, have not listened in this chamber as your own party members have indicated the appropriate nature - - -

Mr Kaine: No; I might have a different opinion. Has it occurred to you that I might have a different opinion?

MR LAMONT: A different opinion, Mr Kaine? That is probably the least of the differences between you. But I will go on, Mr Kaine.

Mr De Domenico: Unlike the Labor Party, we allow differences of opinion in the Liberal Party. We do not do what we are told by the faceless people.

MR LAMONT: Mr De Domenico, you are the current chairman - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr De Domenico, as I recall, you have had your turn. Order!

MR LAMONT: Mr De Domenico, a member of your party, is the current chairman, Mr Kaine, of the select committee. He then went on to say:

Madam Speaker, the committee received a further briefing from the Chief Minister's Department on 8 November. The committee was encouraged to hear that many of the 20 points to be discussed with the Commonwealth had been agreed in principle.

He said that the committee was informed that there were other outstanding issues which needed to be resolved.

Mr Kaine: They are still unresolved.

MR LAMONT: As you well know, or you should know if your colleague has briefed you on where his stewardship of this committee - - -

Mr Kaine: He has not briefed me.

MR LAMONT: He has not briefed you? He has left you in the dark.

Mr Kaine: I am not a member of the committee.

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