Page 291 - Week 01 - Thursday, 24 February 1994

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Mr Westende asked two questions: Would it be better not to do things piecemeal? Since we are reviewing all the pollution control legislation, should we not do this then? I suppose we could have waited, but the amendments we are looking at now are quite specific. I acknowledge that Mr Westende and others have extended the debate beyond the confines of the amendments I have brought forward, but I am happy to respond. I think they are sufficiently technical to warrant bringing forward now and not waiting, and we have discussed what those amendments are.

There was some discussion by Mr Westende about the Noise Control Manual. I would point out that it is only for measurement procedures and the sorts of instrumentation to be used. It is not for setting environmental standards. I think, from what Mr Westende was saying, that he would like me to proceed down that path, but I am not sure that it is the appropriate way. As we proceed to the integrated legislation, I am happy to discuss with anybody in the Assembly what measures might best be employed.

I have to say, because I think there has been some confusion on the part of people out in the community, that I am the Minister for the Environment. That is the role I take in these measures. I have to attend to the law of the ACT, whether it affects citizens of the ACT or citizens across the boundary. It is the law and I need to observe that law. As the Minister for the Environment, I am happy to promote the highest possible environmental standards and, if that applies to people in New South Wales, that is fine. That is exactly as it should be, and I would not move away from that position.

I understand that the proponents of racing in this Territory have issues they wish to push, and so they should; but they must view me as the Minister for the Environment. That brings me to the subject of the new site. We have acoustic studies under way now on that new site, and we will - - -

Mr Cornwell: Which new site?

MR WOOD: We are looking for a new site and we are doing acoustic studies on four sites as a starting point. I would not want it to be assumed that, by carrying out an acoustic study, any necessary action will follow. It is going to be difficult to find a new site. I do not know, given the noise that motor sports generate, whether we can get far enough away from anywhere totally to satisfy everybody, but we are looking. We do want a site for motor sports in the ACT that is good for the sports and that is as comfortable in the environment as possible. I acknowledge that motor sports in the ACT are very large. Indeed, whether they are large or small, these people have the right for their sport to be attended to, as for any other. We will proceed on that venture. We will continue that search. I know that members are going to take a keen interest in what that turns up.

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