Page 106 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 22 February 1994

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Mr Connolly - the answer to the Member's question is as follows:

The questions raised by Mr De Domenico primarily relate to a contract awarded to Australian Capital Auctioneers by the then Commonwealth Department of Administrative Services (DAS).

As the matters are still under investigation by the Australian Federal Police and relate to the internal working procedures of the Commonwealth Department of Administrative Services (DAS), I am only able to provide responses to the following questions.

(1) Australian Capital Auctioneers were not appointed the official ACT Government auctioneers. The company contracted to the then Commonwealth Department Of Administrative Services (Assuales) undertook the auction of surplus vehicles, goods and equipment. Some ACT Government agencies also utilised the contract to dispose of their surplus and obsolete assets.

(2) The tendering process was conducted by the then Commonwealth, Department of Administrative Services.

(6) I previously advised that the amount of money owing to the Territory resulting from the liquidation of ACA was $36,373. Furtherinvestigation has revealed that the amount owing is $45,373. This additional amount resulted from the loss of proceeds of the sale of an ACT Health vehicle in January 1991.

a) $9,000 b) $45,373

(7) Whilst I cannot comment on the advice given to DAS or other Federal agencies, I am not aware of any information regarding the misappropriations being given to ACT agencies.

(11) The collapse of ACA and the loss of monies is currently being investigated by the Australian Federal Police and DAS. The ACT Government Solicitor and DUS are monitoring the developments of these investigations on behalf of the Territory.

(16) I am advised that the Commonwealth publicly invited organisations to register for pre-qualification as auctioneer for vehicles in the ACT. The registration closed on 9 September 1993. The organisations were short listed and a Request for Tender was subsequently issued to those organisations with the necessary experience, financial resources and facilities. The Commonwealth, Department of Arts and Administrative Services is currently evaluating the tenders received. A similar process will be undertaken for provision of auctioneer services for general items.

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