Page 4800 - Week 15 - Thursday, 16 December 1993

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(6) Yes. There are no designated cycle paths, however, programs to educate users of footpaths and public places in respect to the rights of cyclists and others are addressed in the ACT Traffic Handbook, Draft ACT Road Safety Strategy, the Canberra 1990 Cycleways map and will also be addressed in the Draft ACT Bicycle Strategy.

(7) There has been a general decline in road fatalities and accident rates in the ACT over the past 10 years. It is not possible to quantify which particular program has been most responsible for this reduction, nor it is possible to allocate reductions to one particular program.

Based on questionnaire responses from teachers the school based safety education programs are successful.

The draft Road Safety Strategy and ACT Traffic Handbook have not been in the public arena for sufficient time to assess their impact. Improved road user behaviour and a continued reduction in vehicle accidents will be a measure of the success of these programs.

The National Road Safety Strategy, Draft ACT Road Safety Strategy and the National Bicycle Strategy all include provisions for monitoring of initiatives to assess their impact.

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