Page 4785 - Week 15 - Thursday, 16 December 1993

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Noise Pollution Standards

Mr Humphries - asked the Minister for.the Environment, Land and

Planning -

(1) What noise emission standards apply to (a) motor sports. conducted at Fairbairn and Sutton Parks and

(b) motorboat sports conducted on the Molonglo River above the Dairy Flat Bridge.

(2) If those standards are not consistent, why not.

(3) How far is it between (a) the motor racing track at Fairbairn and Sutton Parks and the nearest housing and (b) the area used for motorboat sports on the Molonglo River and the nearest housing.

Mr Wood - the answer to the Members question is as follows:

(1) The Provisions of the Noise Control Act 1988 (the Act) and the Noise Control Regulations apply to motor sports conducted at Fairbairn and Sutton Parks and motorboat sports conducted on the Molonglo River above the Dairy Flat Bridge.

The Act provides that inspectors may issue.noise direction notices directing that the emission of "excessive noise" be ceased. "Excess-ive noise" is interpreted from the Act and Regulations as noise above background noise level plus 5 dB(A) for the period between 7.OOam and 10.00pm and as noise above the background noise level for the period between 10.00pm and 7.OOam on the following day.

A Noise Control Manual has-been prepared pursuant to Section 17 of the Act. This document sets out the methodology and the instrumentation to be used when carrying out noise measurements. The Noise Control Manual is subsidiary to the Act and does not take precedence over the provisions of the Act.

(2) It should be noted that while complaints about motorboat noise have-been received very occasionally, there have not been problems from this. noise source of a similar extent to that experienced from motorsports at.the time when-a trackside noise level was used. However, it should also be noted that Section 11 of the Noise Control Manual, which deals with motorboat noise, is currently being reviewed.

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