Page 4770 - Week 15 - Thursday, 16 December 1993

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ACT Department of Education and Training

Survey of Parents in Griffith

Office 20-93 Use Only

All responses to this survey are confidential. No individuals will be identified as a result of this survey.

1. For each preschool and primary school age child living with you, please indicate

their sex and age this year. Please place a tick in the box indicating Male or Female and write the

childs age, in years, in the space providers.

Child No 1. Male 1-1 Female F-1 Age this year

. Child Not. Male a Female F] Age this year

- Child No3. Male a Female Age this year

Child No4. Male a Female F-1 Age this year.

If you have more than four primary school age children, please continue on the other side of this page.

Please answer the following question by placing a tick in the appropriate box.

2. Would your, children attend the Griffith campus, if classes were resumed?


Please return your survey response in the reply-paid envelope by 9 November 1993

Thank you for your co-operation.

(c) School Performance Review and Development Section - ACT Department of Education and Training 1993

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