Page 4743 - Week 15 - Thursday, 16 December 1993

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Motion (by Mr Cornwell) agreed to:

That leave of absence from 31 December 1993 to 28 January 1994 inclusive be given to Mr Cornwell.

Report on Article in the
Canberra Times

MADAM SPEAKER: I present the report of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedures on the matter of privilege referred to it by the Assembly on 24 November 1993, together with a copy of extracts of the minutes of proceedings.

MR MOORE (3.42): Madam Speaker, I move:

That the report be adopted.

This report of the Administration and Procedures Committee with reference to the matter of privilege is a quite important report. It draws members' attention to one of the most difficult issues within our committee system. One of the most significant things about this parliament, Madam Speaker, compared to other parliaments - those of us who have looked at the workings of other parliaments realise this - is the extent of the committee work that is done here and the positive contribution that that has made to the community. When members feel that they are not able to trust another member on a committee - and that is what this matter of privilege is about - then the work of that committee will largely be undone. It is for those reasons that I recommend that members read the report of the Committee on Administration and Procedures closely and take care to observe the recommendations of that committee.

MR LAMONT (3.43): I suppose that the thing that we must be concerned about is that matters deliberated on by committees of this Assembly not be forwarded to outside parties - members of the media, as an example - prior to their tabling in this Assembly. There are a number of matters which have been raised by Ms Szuty. As an example, I think it would be outrageous if this report tabled now had been released, say, to the media prior to its tabling here in the Assembly. While it would be easy to narrow down the number of people who may have been in a position to do that, it would nevertheless constitute a gross abuse of process in this chamber. I think we need to take that into account when considering this matter formally at a later date.

Debate (on motion by Mr Humphries) adjourned.

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