Page 4719 - Week 15 - Thursday, 16 December 1993

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Further on still you said:

... I also was very interested to understand what my responsibilities as Speaker were in relationship to Hare-Clark because as the Speaker of the Assembly it is very important that that Bill goes through properly for the appropriate benefits of all.

In a letter that you provided on 1 October to the Estimates Committee you said:

In my meeting with the Electoral Commissioner I asked whether, as an experienced Electoral Officer with detailed knowledge of both the ACT and Tasmania, there were "any particular matters specific to the Electoral system ...

and so on. You gave a quite good background on that matter. Madam Speaker, considering your background and experience following this trip, do you now recognise that this Bill - I am referring to this Bill - in so far as it provides for above-the-line voting, is shonky?

MADAM SPEAKER: The answer is quite clear, Mr Moore. No.

MR MOORE: I have a supplementary question, Madam Speaker. Apart from how you would describe it in terms of the above-the-line voting, do you consider that above-the-line voting provides, in your words, "benefits of all"?

MADAM SPEAKER: The answer to that is yes, Mr Moore.

Electoral Legislation

MRS CARNELL: Madam Speaker, my question is to the Chief Minister. Is it true that the dishonest electoral legislation that she tabled this morning carries a provision for public funding for each vote to the value of $1? If so, is the Chief Minister aware that this provision, on the figures of the last election, would provide over $65,000 in public funding to her near bankrupt party?

Members interjected.

MADAM SPEAKER: The Chief Minister has been asked a question. Perhaps she should be allowed to proceed to answer it.

MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, the provisions for public funding that are contained in the Electoral (Amendment) Bill which I tabled this morning are modelled on those that apply in the Commonwealth and I believe that that is an appropriate format. I am sure that it is one of those issues which members will want to debate in the debate on that Bill. There is one thing which I would like to draw attention to, Madam Speaker, and that is my offer to all parties in this Assembly to hold discussions and negotiations on this Bill.

Mr De Domenico: Gee, thanks.

Mrs Carnell: You are trying to abdicate responsibility; that is all.

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