Page 4654 - Week 15 - Wednesday, 15 December 1993

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been achieved or not. Towards the end of the discussions that I had with the Government we did earmark a possible additional sitting week for October, which is not shown in the motion as it appears on the notice paper. Three dates in October - 18, 19 and 20 October - may well be scheduled as sitting days for 1994.

It is noteworthy, Madam Speaker, that the Assembly has a two-week sitting period proposed for the beginning of the 1994 calendar year. I know, as a member of the Planning Committee, that I will appreciate that very much. It means that a number of variations that the Planning Committee has before it at the moment can be considered within that two-week sitting period, subject to the five-day disallowance period which currently exists in the legislation. I also note, as Mr Berry has noted, that allowance has been made in the sitting timetable for the move of the Assembly to the new premises in March next year. I believe that members and staff will have plenty of time to relocate and to adjust to what will be a much improved working environment for all of us.

Changes also have been made to the timing of the budget process which will mean, as Mr Berry has indicated, the delivery of the budget on 14 June next year and the passage of the budget on 25 August next year. The intervening weeks between those dates will be fully occupied, I am sure, by the Estimates Committee process and the capital works process to be undertaken by the Assembly's Planning Committee. I wish to thank members for their consideration of these matters and for their agreement to extend this period from eight to nine weeks.

Finally, Madam Speaker, the Assembly will be adjourning a week earlier in December than is usually the case. I believe this to be appropriate. It will enable a proper caretaker period for the Government prior to the 1995 election and also for members to spend time with their families at end of school year activities, in particular, and to attend the many functions organised by businesses and community groups that we are all invited to prior to Christmas. It was with some regret this year, Madam Speaker, that I was not able to attend several functions at my son's high school which he has been involved with. I look forward to doing that next year.

MR LAMONT (4.05): We also look forward to Ms Szuty being able to attend those functions next year. Madam Speaker, there has been some debate about the sitting pattern for 1994. I think it needs to be put on the public record that, while being sponsored by the Government in terms of the motion this day, this sitting pattern has been worked out following extensive discussions between all of the parties within the Assembly, as well as the Independents and the Abolish Self Government member.

Mr Stevenson indicated that he was prepared to accept the first draft that was circulated. We then were able, as Ms Szuty has said, to conclude that there may be a difficulty in the early part of the year in relation to a number of substantial planning variation reports which we hope to be able to bring down early in the new year, they being the North Watson and Tuggeranong Homestead recommendations. Both of those hearings have concluded and draft reports are being considered by members of the committee. Because of the issues that are

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