Page 4622 - Week 15 - Wednesday, 15 December 1993

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Ms Follett: Madam Speaker, if Mr Moore wants to accuse me of misleading the chamber he must do so on a substantive motion or withdraw it.

MADAM SPEAKER: That is quite correct. Mr Moore, would you please withdraw?

MR MOORE: That is indeed correct, Madam Speaker, and that is why I withdraw it while I consider a substantive motion. The particular situation we are dealing with here is whether the period should be 25 years or 30 years. The Chief Minister was offered by Mr Kaine the opportunity to provide reasons and statistics in terms of tax avoidance as to why she has chosen 25 years. The one reason that carried some validity was that she looked at the range of leases available and there are none that fit into that 25 to 30 years category, and therefore there is not much difference.

She then argued that what will happen is that leases will be drawn in accordance with the longer period. The implication of that, as I understand it, is that in the future - in 30 years' time, basically - there will be less revenue available. I think that the argument has not been able to be sustained very well at all. I imagine that by the time that 30 years comes around there will be major changes anyway to taxation systems here. It really has very little relevance to this particular situation. I think the arguments put by Mr Kaine have been much more substantial, so I will be opposing the amendment.

Question put:

That the amendment (Ms Follett's) be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 8  NOES, 9 

Mr Berry Mrs Carnell
Mr Connolly Mr Cornwell
Ms Ellis Mr De Domenico
Ms Follett Mr Humphries
Mrs Grassby Mr Kaine
Mr Lamont Mr Moore
Ms McRae Mr Stevenson
Mr Wood Ms Szuty
 Mr Westende

Question so resolved in the negative.

Clause agreed to.

Clause 5

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (12.07): Madam Speaker, I rise to oppose Mr Kaine's clause 5 in which he seeks to amend section 28 by giving the commissioner very wide discretionary powers to decide whether bona fide reasons exist for the rescission of a contract of sale. If such bona fide reasons exist, in the commissioner's opinion, he may extend the period in which a refund of duty can be made beyond the 30 days specified in the legislation. I said in the previous debate that I consider a clause such as Mr Kaine has put before us to be unworkable.

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