Page 4494 - Week 14 - Thursday, 9 December 1993

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MADAM SPEAKER: Order! It being 4.30 pm, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Connolly: I require that the question be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.

Final Report and Paper

Debate resumed.

MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, I will not speak at length because I did speak at considerable length when I introduced the report. I would like to conclude my remarks by saying that it is my intention that the 2020 report be widely available. I consider that it will inspire many in Canberra to focus on what it is about Canberra that we cherish. It sets the goals and sets out some of the policies that might achieve those goals, so it is a very valuable document indeed. I also said in my tabling statement that the Government has put in place a process to ensure that the directions that are set in the report are actually incorporated into the mainstream planning processes and that consultations are undertaken by each of the Government's agencies. I believe that we will start to see the results of this kind of work soon.

I would like to again thank the reference group, and in particular Dr Peter Ellyard, for what I consider to be a very significant contribution to the well-being of the ACT. I am confident that the report Canberra in the Year 2020 will indeed inspire people and motivate them to think about the future of Canberra and to think about how they are going to achieve the preferred future that is set out in the report. With the opportunity that has been given to us by self-government to shape our own destiny in the Territory, I believe that this report sets out, not just for government, not just for the Assembly, but for the whole community, the way that we can work together to achieve very desirable goals. Madam Speaker, I believe that this report encourages that cooperative effort and, as I said, I consider that it inspires and motivates people to consciously plan for and ensure that we achieve the preferred future that the report encompasses. My thanks to everybody who worked so hard on it.

I would also like quickly to thank all of the government agencies, and the staff of my own department in particular, who provided secretariat and research services to the reference group. I think they did a fantastic job. I know that it was a huge workload for them. It was a workload that we had not expected to have to cope with, and in all those circumstances I believe that they have done a magnificent job.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

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