Page 4491 - Week 14 - Thursday, 9 December 1993

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Mrs Sue Doobov of the Council on the Ageing (ACT) said in relation to education:

Education (is) considered lifelong with retired people being more involved in tertiary education and facilities such as the University of the Third Age.

The report from the Economic Development Division of the Chief Minister's Department is liberally sprinkled with quotes from the various individuals and organisations who have been part of the process.

Madam Speaker, I would like to turn briefly to the recommendations that the Canberra in the Year 2020 Reference Group have made and to discuss each of them. The first recommendation is:

Release the Vision for Prosperity for community discussion and comment.

I think it is really important, following a very lengthy exercise of this kind, to involve the community further in discussing the report now that it has been tabled. I understand that the Government intends to formulate a fairly comprehensive community consultation process on the Vision for Prosperity document. Perhaps early 1994 would be a good time for it to be distributed widely, with perhaps the Government to report on the community consultation process to the Assembly in 1994. The second recommendation is:

Direct ACT Government Agencies to incorporate the strategic directions of Vision for Prosperity into their forward planning processes.

I think this is a very important objective indeed and links the work that the community has done and the reference group has done in putting this particular project together with the work that departments and agencies themselves do on a regular basis. The third recommendation is:

Implement a continuing strategic planning process, including the development of Visions and related Action Plans. Visions look forward 25 years. Action Plans outline implementation steps over the next 5 years directed at realising the Vision. This process should include the appointment of a new Reference Group to review the Strategic Vision every 5 years.

Again, I think this is a very important objective. I do not know that any of the members of the recently dissolved reference group will be interested in five years' time, but it would be a very interesting exercise from their point of view to oversee the work of perhaps future reference groups. The fourth recommendation is:

Direct each Government Agency to designate separate officers to be responsible for the development and implementation of long term ... and short term .... strategies.

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