Page 4464 - Week 14 - Thursday, 9 December 1993

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Mr Kaine: That was after you had second thoughts.

MR BERRY: You asked the question; you got the answer. Madam Speaker, the ACTTAB-VITAB agreement will return profits to the ACT Government. We are quite happy with that, and so ought Mr De Domenico to be.

MR DE DOMENICO: I ask a supplementary question, Madam Speaker, on your invitation. Noting that the Minister also confirmed to the house that the contract with VITAB is "silent on the issue of inducements", will the Minister now renegotiate the contract to include a non-inducement clause? Has he now had time to think about whether he will table the contract, so that we can prove whether he did or did not sign it?

MR BERRY: I have given you the answer on who signed it. In relation to inducements, I also answered that very question.

Mrs Carnell: You read us a fax.

MR BERRY: Just sit quietly, Mrs Carnell, or you can join the other billygoats. I have already announced the position in relation to the contract, that is, that it is silent on the matter. I have also read out in this place a letter which makes it very clear that VITAB has no intention of offering inducements. Mr De Domenico, in his usual style, is trying to beat up a whole heap of dust about nothing. Remember the cracks in the Tuggeranong pool? Shock, horror; the Tuggeranong pool is leaking! A few tiles came off.

Mr De Domenico: Did you or did you not sign the contract? On which day did you sign it? On which day did you not sign it? This contract is so vital that you do not even know whether you signed it.

MR BERRY: I told you. Listen again. It was signed by the chairman of the ACTTAB board, in the company of others.

Mr De Domenico: Is that your final one, because here you say that you signed it?

MR BERRY: That is about the end. I have given it to you several times. Let it soak in. It takes a long time - - -

Mr De Domenico: "On the advice given to me, Wayne Berry, I was prepared to sign it and agree to it."

MR BERRY: Yes, and I came back to this house and explained the situation to you, but you were not listening then.

Mr De Domenico: But you did not sign it?

MR BERRY: It will permeate the skull shortly, if I keep saying it enough. It takes a long time to get through thick bone, I know. Keep asking the question and you will get the same answer.

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