Page 4394 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 8 December 1993

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MADAM SPEAKER: I am not sure that that is right, Mr Humphries. He was asked a question; he spoke to a question.

Mr Humphries: To a question.

MADAM SPEAKER: I misunderstand you.

Mr Humphries: Madam Speaker, I think that is a reference not to a question in the sense of question time, but to a question in the sense of an issue - a question before the house that such and such an issue be agreed to or whatever.

MR BERRY: Standing order 46 will do. It can be one of a personal nature.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Humphries, I think you stand vindicated there. Mr Berry, you are seeking my leave - - -

MR BERRY: There has been an imputation that there has not been - - -

Mrs Carnell: I did not make any imputations.

MR BERRY: Wait a minute. There has been an imputation that there have been no discussions between me and the doctors. There has been six months worth of discussions. I was locked in for several hours - five hours all-up, I think. I do not know of too many Ministers who would get involved in negotiations with a union at that length.

Mr Humphries: I would have.

Mr Connolly: You just surrendered.

MR BERRY: Certainly, Mr Humphries would not. He just gives in and gives them a blank cheque. He is well known for that.

Ms Follett: Did he meet with them?

MR BERRY: No, of course not. He just gave them the blank cheque. He did not bother meeting with them. There was no struggle at all. He just gave up. Madam Speaker, we have a very clear situation. There have been long and drawn out meetings with the AMA and they have gone straight back to where they began in the first place - they want the blank cheque. Well, it is not there.

Mrs Carnell: Have a meeting.

MR BERRY: It is not there, Mrs Carnell. We have been to the Industrial Relations Commission and it has been made clear that the contracts offered to the AMA by the Government are fair. The Industrial Relations Commission recommended that they go back to work. I stand by that recommendation. It also recommended that they accept a dispute settling process. I stand by that as well. When they go back to work we can sort out their problems. You can go out and ask them to go back to work now.

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