Page 4009 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 23 November 1993

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such as BHP, would be prepared to tolerate $5.5m worth of arrears. But that is a matter for the Government to address, and I shall be certainly pursuing it next year. The other matter which is related to the arrears is the debt collectors that have been appointed by the Government to chase up at least some of this outstanding money. I would hope again that we can have some better results in the 1994 estimates.

Finally, it is a pity that these matters did not come up during the Estimates Committee, Madam Speaker, but I would hope that the Housing Trust would recognise its commitment to energy efficient houses and that the houses - 131 of them, I think - proposed to be built in this financial year will all face north, which I believe is a fundamental point in terms of energy efficiency. I also hope that it addresses the question of water savings that has been a matter of some concern over the last couple of weeks. Mr Connolly is well aware that I have written to him about a meter beater, which I understand from the gentleman concerned, a Mr Thistlewaite, could save a considerable amount of money in the average suburban home through water savings.

Mr Connolly: I am currently getting advice on that, Mr Cornwell.

MR CORNWELL: I would hope that that is the case, MrConnolly. As you know, it is being trialled in some Housing Trust properties in Tuggeranong. Surely the trials should be over by now and we can move towards doing something positive rather than talking about it and putting out a lot of pretty pamphlets. Therefore, I look forward to those initiatives in the near future.

Debate interrupted.


MADAM SPEAKER: Order! It being 9.30 pm, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Berry: I require that the question be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.

Report on the Appropriation Bill 1

Debate resumed.

MR LAMONT (9.31): Madam Speaker, now that the B team has finished making its comments - I, of course, exclude Ms Szuty, who always belongs with the A team - we can actually get some semblance of sanity into the debate on what indeed is, in general, a fine comment on the stewardship of the chair of the Estimates Committee - this Estimates Committee report. Madam Speaker, traditionally in this Assembly the partisan political line has not been to the fore in the recommendations that the Estimates Committee makes.

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