Page 3993 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 23 November 1993
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Madam Speaker, the committee has recommended that the review of home garaging of government motor vehicles as proposed by the Chief Minister should also specifically examine the justification for home garaging vehicles in New South Wales and that the existing scale of vehicle issue should also be reviewed, to ensure that operational needs are met and that unnecessary vehicles are not hired, leased or purchased. This is a significant area worthy of future Government attention. It is to be addressed by the Chief Minister, as was acknowledged to the Estimates Committee during the public hearings.
We have also recommended that an inquiry be conducted into performance pay in the ACT Government Service, with particular emphasis on the appropriateness of the current method of moderation, the fairness and effectiveness of the system and the cost of administration. The committee feels that more questions need to be asked in this area, particularly with regard to how the system of assessing performance pay operates at the moment.
We have also recommended that the Government examine the incorporation of client surveys into performance indicators for ACT Health and other service delivery areas, expanding their use in appropriate circumstances. This is an important recommendation already addressed by the accident and emergency department in terms of producing statistics in relation to the waiting times of clients needing service in ACT hospitals.
We have recommended that former ACT Government Service employees that have been paid redundancy packages not be re-employed for a period of two years, except with the specific approval of the Head of Administration, and that instances of re-employment be reported in detail for the budget and estimates process. Again, this is an important reform in the area of the employment process and practice in the ACT Government at the present time.
We have also recommended that the Chief Minister give specific consideration at the earliest opportunity to the establishment of separate advisory councils to consider the needs of families, the aged and people with disabilities in the ACT, and that the membership of the councils be drawn from the relevant sectors of the community. Through the committee's questioning we identified a possible gap in the provision of advice to the Chief Minister which is worthy of her consideration, and I would encourage her to look carefully at this particular recommendation.
We have recommended, Madam Speaker, that the Government reduce the rate of the Construction Industry Long Service Leave Board levy as soon as possible, as recommended by successive actuarial reports. Madam Speaker, this is an issue which has been raised and debated in the Assembly and which, the Estimates Committee believes, needs further attention. Madam Speaker, we have recommended that the funding of the Health Promotion Fund be restored to at least 5 per cent of the revenue raised by the tobacco franchise fee. This would be an important reform and appropriate recognition of an important funding source aimed at health prevention in the ACT community. (Extension of time granted)
We have recommended that steps be taken to ensure payment of all accounts by agencies of the ACT Government, where no dispute exists, within 30 days of an invoice being rendered. The committee has drawn attention in this situation to circumstances which really should not exist within the ACT Government Service.
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