Page 3985 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 23 November 1993

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Dog Control Act - Determination of fees - No. 150 of 1993 (S235, dated 19 November 1993).

Gaming Machine Act - Gaming Machine Regulations (Amendment) - No. 41 of 1993 (S225, dated 1 November 1993).

Land (Planning and Environment) Act - Determination of fees - No. 145 of 1993 (S221, dated 26 October 1993).

Litter Act - Litter Regulations - No. 42 of 1993 (S228, dated 8 November 1993).

Poisons and Drugs Act - Modification of Schedule 7 to include Amphetamine Precursors - No. 146 of 1993 (S221, dated 26 October 1993).

Public Place Names Act - Determination No. 151 of 1993 (S237, dated 23 November 1993).

Taxation (Administration) Act -

Determination No. 147 of 1993 (S224, dated 1 November 1993).

Stamp Duties (Marketable Securities) - Determination No. 148 of 1993 (S224, dated 1 November 1993).

Stamp Duty (Interests in Land) -

Determination No. 149 of 1993 (S224, dated 1 November 1993).

Determination No. 152 of 1993 (S240, dated 23 November 1993).


MR CONNOLLY (Attorney-General, Minister for Housing and Community Services and Minister for Urban Services) (8.03), by leave: Madam Speaker, I present the Limitation (Amendment) Bill 1993.

Title read by Clerk.


That this Bill be agreed to in principle.

This Bill contains measures that fall under two headings. The first heading is precautionary measures. In the matter of Capital Duplicators v. the Australian Capital Territory, the High Court decided that the Legislative Assembly does not have power to impose duties of excise. The litigation concerns the Business Franchise ("X" Video) Act 1990. The court left the question of whether that Act imposes a duty of excise to further proceedings, which were heard in April this year. The High Court has indicated that a decision on the validity of the Act will be handed down shortly.

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