Page 3547 - Week 11 - Thursday, 14 October 1993

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Arts Portfolio - Advertising

Mr Humphries - asked the Minister for the Arts - In relation to the 1992-93 financial year -

(1) What services were advertised by (a) the Ministers department; or (b) each of the agencies under the Ministers control.

(2) What was the total cost of advertising of these services by (a) the Ministers department; or (b) each of the agencies under the Ministers control.

(3) In what publications were advertisements placed by (a) the Ministers department; or (b) each of the agencies under the Ministers control.

(4) How many advertisements were placed for positions vacant by (a) the Ministers department; or (b) each of the agencies under the Ministers control.

(5) What was the total cost of advertising positions vacant by (a) the Ministers department; or (b) each of the agencies under the Ministers control.

(6) How many positions vacant were filled by external applicants with respect to advertisements placed and detailed in (4) and (5) .

Mr Wood - the answer to the Members question is as follows:

The amount of time and resources required does not permit the total breakdown as requested by the Member.

I would refer the Member to the Answer prepared for Question on Notice Number 999. The information and answer provided related to the Department of the Environment, Land and Planning as a whole, including the Arts and Sport portfolios.


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