Page 3529 - Week 11 - Thursday, 14 October 1993
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Mr George Snow, as of 5 October 1993, has resigned his position in this organisation, and he has done so because he is not satisfied that the organisation is going anywhere. To use his own words, "Why talk if no-one listens?". That is a comment from one of the two people in this organisation - maybe there were three - who were in private enterprise confronting the issues of the day.
He is not satisfied that private enterprise, the development of technology and industry in this country, has had one darn thing from this Government. He has run out of patience and he is giving it away. He has made some significant criticisms of the way this Government works or has failed to work. Mr Deputy Speaker, I seek leave to table a letter which Mr Snow has written to the chairman of the Economic Priorities Advisory Committee of the ACT tendering his resignation and stating the reasons for his doing so.
Leave granted.
MR KAINE: Thank you. When a person such as Mr George Snow, a very highly respected businessman in this city, resigns from an organisation such as this because he has had a gutful of it, then you have to ask: What is the Government doing? Is it serious? Does it intend to do anything? Does it intend to pick up any one of the 28 recommendations contained in this report, for example, and do something about it? Does it intend to pick up any recommendation coming from the South East Economic Development Council and implement it? If it does not intend to do so, then for heaven's sake let us stop this charade and stop pretending that we have an interest in developing industry in Canberra. If it does intend to do so, let us for once have a program on the table showing which recommendations it intends to pick up and what its timetable is for implementing them. Then, and only then, will people such as Mr George Snow and I be convinced that this Government intends to do anything whatsoever on this issue except talk about it.
MR LAMONT: I seek leave to make a personal explanation pursuant to standing order 46. If leave is granted, I will also seek leave to table a document in relation to a number of misrepresentations by Mr Kaine this afternoon.
MADAM SPEAKER: I can give you leave under standing order 46 for a personal explanation. Does the Assembly give leave for Mr Lamont to table the document?
Mr Stevenson: Perhaps we can hear the explanation first.
MADAM SPEAKER: One thing at a time.
MR LAMONT: Madam Speaker, Mr Kaine alleged that I was uninformed in speaking about the proposed moves by the Civil Aviation Authority to change the airspace control systems in the ACT. The comments that I made were based upon comments directed to Mr Peter Evans, the Assistant General Manager, Air Traffic Services, by the Civil Air Operations Officers Association of Australia. For the information of this Assembly, Madam Speaker, those persons are the air traffic controllers who currently reside in all airports around Australia.
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