Page 3494 - Week 11 - Thursday, 14 October 1993

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Mr Humphries: I take a point of order, Madam Speaker. We are wasting our question time. Mrs Grassby asked about the States' attitudes. Mr Berry is talking about the Liberal Party. Can we get back to the question?

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Humphries, I believe that the Minister is coming to the end of his answer.

MR BERRY: I am not answering a question from you. If I were, I would be trying to keep you happy, which I usually do with the answers I give you. I can see you smiling every time I give them to you. I can see that Mrs Grassby is a very contented questioner right now because she is getting all of the information and, of course, there is more to come.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! I believe that it is our collective wish for the Minister to finish the answer to this question.

MR BERRY: Well, you would never guess that, Madam Speaker. As I said earlier, we do not have the difficulty with interstate disputes as they exist in some of the States. We do not have the difficulty with dual industrial relations systems. I think that the other States would enjoy some of the conditions which obtain here in the ACT as a result of having a single Industrial Relations Commission, particularly under a Federal Labor government. We intend to continue to support that. No, we will not be moving to block the Federal Government in its moves to provide better wages and working conditions for State workers.

Motor Vehicle Testing Stations

MR WESTENDE: My question is addressed to the Chief Minister. During the Estimates Committee hearings and subsequently in the media the Urban Services Minister, Mr Terry Connolly, has suggested a possible sale of a motor vehicle testing station. My question to the Chief Minister is: Does the motor vehicle testing station site form part of the $10m or $11m budget item asset sales referred to in the Chief Minister's budget statement?

MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, I think it is quite incorrect for Mr Westende to say that Mr Connolly had foreshadowed the possible sale of a motor vehicle testing station.

Mr Connolly: I said that we would consider the closure. The question of what may happen to the asset was never considered.

MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, I think that that probably answers the second part of Mr Westende's question as well. As I have said in answer to previous questions, the Government is considering restructuring and efficiencies right across the board in any number of areas of ACT administration. This could well be an area where we do consider what efficiencies might be made. To come to conclusions as Mr Westende has done on this question is quite wrong.

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