Page 3491 - Week 11 - Thursday, 14 October 1993

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MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, as Mr De Domenico well knows, but would never say, of course - far be it from him to tell the whole truth - I made that statement during estimates, before the Industrial Relations Commission had made its ruling on the voluntary separation scheme. Quite clearly, once the Industrial Relations Commission had made its ruling, the expressions of interest in the voluntary separation scheme ceased. I make no bones about that. Of course they ceased.

I explained in answer to an earlier question that that voluntary separation scheme was part of a much larger program of reviews and restructuring which the Government has embarked upon, and is still embarking upon. Madam Speaker, members might also know that this year's budget does not actually identify any savings as a result of that voluntary separation scheme, so the impact of this decision on the budget is not major. I think members ought to understand also that the voluntary separation scheme did not comprise the entire $17m. That $17m included significant amounts of money for redundancies that had arisen in previous years. In fact, from the 1992-93 budget there was $3.3m of that $17m, and in the 1993-94 budget there were funds in the forward estimates which were included for redundancies as a result of savings and restructuring measures. That was approximately $6m. So those amounts are unaffected entirely by this decision.

Universities - Staff Dismissals

MR STEVENSON: Madam Speaker, my question is to the Minister for Education or to the Chief Minister if she feels it more appropriate for her to answer. Today staff at the University of Canberra and the Australian National University are striking for 24 hours, forgoing one day's pay. There are a number of problems that they are concerned about. Enterprise bargaining and the proportion of tenured staff are issues, but the main one is the suggestion to have university administrations increase the awards relating to academic dismissal. I believe that the current situation is that no staff can be dismissed without a panel and an independent chairman. Would the Minister indicate support for the workers and their cause, for justice in dismissal in the universities, and also present that indication to the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Canberra, Professor Don Aitkin?

MR WOOD: Madam Speaker, Mr Stevenson, I think, phrased the last part of his question fairly carefully because he probably knows that the universities are not under any legislative control of the ACT. It is expected that early next year the Act governing the University of Canberra will be released from the Commonwealth and passed over to the ACT. I think his question might be asked more appropriately at that time. I do point out that universities are entirely autonomous. They guard their autonomy jealously. They are totally funded by the Federal Government. While legislation governing universities may be under the control of the States, they have very little effective control of universities; nor do they seek to have that control. I think, Mr Stevenson, that the question would be more validly asked in the future when I have a greater interest in that university in legislative terms.

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