Page 3487 - Week 11 - Thursday, 14 October 1993

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Mr Stevenson suggested that we should not make it mandatory to display those signs on petrol bowsers or in petrol stations. Might I point out that that measure I talked about cuts both ways. It is not designed just to catch governments when they are caught with their hands in the till. It is also designed to catch anybody in the petrol chain who is responsible for the increase. If retailers are responsible for an increase they have to wear that flak. If oil companies are responsible they wear the flak. The only way you can do that is by requiring that every increase is displayed clearly on a petrol bowser or at a petrol station.

Madam Speaker, I was pleased to hear Mr Berry say, "But Labor is on a winner with this petrol increase". I tell you what; I look forward to the day when Mr Berry will go to the petrol bowsers, particularly after 1 November, and say, "Thank you very much; that is an extra 0.5c a litre in my pocket". I reckon, Madam Speaker, that the people of the ACT will see exactly who is responsible for this increase. They will know that the members of the Government who have claimed consistently over the last few years that they are the friends of the consumers, the friends of the petrol purchasers in this Territory, have been exposed as nothing more than charlatans. This motion is designed to expose those charlatans.

MR DE DOMENICO: Madam Speaker, I wish to make an explanation under standing order 47.

MADAM SPEAKER: Proceed, Mr De Domenico.

MR DE DOMENICO: Thank you, Madam Speaker. I am glad that I took your advice and not Mr Berry's. It is you who is right, usually.

MADAM SPEAKER: I will ignore that comment for the moment. Proceed, Mr De Domenico.

MR DE DOMENICO: Madam Speaker, Mr Connolly continues to say that the Opposition, and I in particular, are against the introduction of independents in the ACT.

Mr Connolly: No; you said that.

MADAM SPEAKER: It is a personal explanation, Mr De Domenico. Order!

MR DE DOMENICO: The Opposition, and I in particular, are not against the introduction of independents, Madam Speaker. We are against the way in which Mr Connolly intends to introduce independents.

Mr Berry: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. The point of order I am raising, Madam Speaker, is that that is a bit of an abuse of standing order 47. It was not an issue during the debate on the question.

MADAM SPEAKER: I believed that I had given him leave under standing order 46, under which I can give him leave rather than the Assembly. I probably misheard that.

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