Page 3452 - Week 11 - Wednesday, 13 October 1993

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Cervical Cytology Register

Mrs Carnell - asked the Minister for Health - In relation to the Ministers statement in the Assembly on 19 May 1996 that "A pap smear register is being established"

(1) What progress has been made ?

(2) Who is going to administer the register ? -

(3) How are privacy concerns being addressed ?

(4) How much of the funding is being provided from the Government ?

(5) When will the pap smear register be fully functional ?

(6) Will the pap smear register be run in conjunction with a general cancer register ; if not. why not?

(7) Has the possibility of funding the ACT Cancer Society to run a joint

cervical, breast and general cancer registry been investigated ?

(8) If so, how do the costings compare with a Government run register; if

not, why not ?

Mr Berry - the answers to Mrs Carnells questions are as follows

The ACT Government, as part of a national program, is proceeding to improve the management of early detection and management of cancer of the cervix. The program is multifaceted with the establishment of a cervical cytology register being an important ingredient in an overall approach to the better management of this health problem

There has been considerable progress made in the implementation of the cervical cytology register. This progress has been achieved through a process of consultation with a range of government, non government and professional bodies who formed an advisory committee together with appropriate consumer representation.

Consultation with professional bodies and agencies such as the Cancer Society and Family Planning Association on issues such as confidentiality, regulation, education, clients nights, privacy and management of the program has taken place through committee members.


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