Page 3376 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 12 October 1993

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Question No 985

Wright Corporate Group Companies

MRS CARNELL - Asked the Treasurer upon notice on 14 September 1993:

(1) Has the ACT Government and any of its agencies had any business or other dealings with any of the following companies or organisations (a) Cinnavon Pty Limited ACN 061 141 295; (b) Canberra Mail and Print Pty Limited ACN 008 537 406; (c) Canberra Mailing and Print Company Pty Limited ACN 008 537 406; (d) Canberra Mailing Co. Pty Limited ACN 008 537 406; (e) The Wright Corporate Group Pty Limited ACN 008 557 668; (f) Austwide Communications Pty Limited ACN 008 557 668; (g)-Professional Fund Raising Services Pty Limited ACN 008 557 668; (h) Envelope House; and (i) Wright Anderson Pty Limited ACN 061 340 010.

(2) On what dates did these dealings or transactions take place, and what was the value of the transaction.

(3) What was the nature of the dealings or transactions.

(4) How was any work or contract awarded and who approved it.

(6) If the tender was not the cheapest, why were any of the above entities selected and who approved it.

MS FOLLETT - The answer to the Members question is as follows:

The ACT Treasury has had no dealings with the named companies. This response excludes any dealings that the government may have had with the companies in relation to territory tax matters. The Revenue Office is unable to disclose any information on territory tax matters in relation to specific tax payers without breaching the secrecy provision of the Tax (Administration) Act 1987, Section 97

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