Page 3324 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 12 October 1993

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This is in recognition of the fact that the environment does not recognise jurisdictional boundaries. The ACT environment strategy will provide a context, for both those strategies that have already been developed, such as the ACT greenhouse strategy, and those still to be written, including those for environment education, waste management, nature conservation and integrated pest management. Some of these have been identified in the 2020 report.

I would like to conclude by adding that, whilst the ACT is a small jurisdiction, the Government considers the ACT's involvement in the development and implementation of national and international environmental agreements as very important. Our local actions can, and do, make a difference. We have been an active participant in the development and implementation of national agreements, including the intergovernmental agreement on the environment, the national strategy for ecologically sustainable development, the national greenhouse response strategy, the national forest policy statement and national strategies on biodiversity and endangered species. We are also prominent amongst the States and Territories in implementing Australia's commitments to international environmental initiatives. This involvement enables the ACT to ensure that it keeps abreast of national and international developments.

The environment budget demonstrates that the Government is establishing an excellent base for achieving the vision enunciated in the 2020 report, and action to protect and enhance the ACT environment is being taken across a broad range of ACT government agencies. The Government is proud of its environmental management record to date. It is also proud that it has been able to fund a range of environmental initiatives in 1993-94. In its endeavours to create the ecologically sustainable Canberra envisaged by the 2020 report, the Government is committed to continuing its efforts to enhance and protect the environment. Clearly, there is much work still to be done. Nevertheless, the Government is confident that by continuing to work cooperatively with the community the 2020 vision for the environment is achievable. Together we can ensure that the environment is protected in its own right and for future generations. Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I present a copy of this statement, and I move:

That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

Debate (on motion by Ms Szuty) adjourned.

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance

MADAM TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mrs Grassby): Madam Speaker has received a letter from Mr Kaine proposing that a matter of public importance be submitted to the Assembly for discussion, namely:

The benefit to the community of an earlier presentation of the Territory's Annual Budgets.

MR KAINE (3.59): Sometimes when I come into the chamber and I note that there is a matter of public importance on the agenda I wonder just what it is about it that makes it important or of importance to the community. I know that there will be people sitting here today who will say, "Why is this a matter of

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