Page 3312 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 12 October 1993

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Radiation Act - Determination of fees - No. 127 of 1993 (S194, dated 17 September 1993).

Rates and Land Rent (Relief) Act - Notice fixing rates of interest - Determination No. 125 of 1993 (S188, dated 14 September 1993).

Rates and Land Tax Act - Determination for the purposes of the Rates and Land Tax Act 1926 - No. 126 of 1993 (S188, dated 14 September 1993).

Registrar-General Act - Notice of commencement (1 October 1993) of remaining provisions (S207, dated 29 September 1993).

Registrar-General (Consequential Provisions) Act - Notice of commencement (1 October 1993) of remaining provisions (S208, dated 30 September 1993).

Taxation (Administration) Act -

Determination No. 124 of 1993 (S188, dated 14 September 1993).

Stamp Duties (Interests in Land) - Determination No. 123 of 1993 (S188, dated 14 September 1993).

Ministerial Statement

MR BERRY (Minister for Health, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Sport): I seek leave to make a statement in relation to smoke-free environments in enclosed public places and workplaces.

Leave granted.

MR BERRY: This might explain, Madam Speaker, why I was so offended by what I thought was Mr Humphries's use of this place to promote the use of tobacco products. Encouraging members to smoke cigars is, in my view, encouraging use of tobacco products.

Mr De Domenico: He smokes cigarettes.

MR BERRY: Yes; but, whatever people do in this place, Mr De Domenico, none of them, except Mr Humphries, have ever tried to promote the use of tobacco products in this chamber.

Madam Speaker, this Government believes that all members of the community should be able to go about their daily lives in an environment free from unnecessary and avoidable health risks. This includes being able to work, to shop, to dine and to enjoy entertainment without exposure to the carcinogens, toxins and irritants that comprise environmental tobacco smoke. The overwhelming majority of Canberrans support this view. Two years ago 75 per cent of Canberrans said that they favoured smoking being prohibited in all enclosed public places. Two years ago 97 per cent of Canberrans wanted restaurants to be smoke-free or to be required to substantially restrict smoking.

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