Page 3310 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 12 October 1993

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Mr Moore: Madam Speaker, I am raising standing order 46, which relates to a personal explanation. Mr Berry is now talking about tobacco, which, anyway, pre-empts what he is going to say in a minute. It is certainly not anything to do with a personal explanation, Madam Speaker.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you for that information, Mr Moore. Mr Berry, I will listen with interest. Proceed.

MR BERRY: I have finished; thank you, Madam Speaker.


MR BERRY (Deputy Chief Minister): Pursuant to section 6 of the Subordinate Laws Act 1989, I present subordinate legislation in accordance with the schedule of gazettal notices for approvals, determinations and regulations. I also present notices of commencement for Acts.

The schedule read as follows:

Animal Welfare Act - Code of practice - Approval - Determination No. 139 of 1993 (S206, dated 28 September 1993).

Boxing Control Act - Boxing Control Regulations (Amendment) - No. 36 of 1993 (S193, dated 17 September 1993).

Business Franchise (Tobacco and Petroleum Products) Act - Determination of fees - No. 122 of 1993 (S188, dated 14 September 1993).

Credit Act - Declaration No. 130 of 1993 (S198, dated 23 September 1993).

Dog Control Act - Determination of fees - No. 134 of 1993 (S204, dated 28 September 1993).

Drugs of Dependence (Amendment) Act (No. 3) - Notice of commencement (20 September 1993) of sections 3 to 11 (S190, dated 15 September 1993).

Health Act - Determination of fees and charges - No. 131 of 1993 (S199, dated 23 September 1993).

Housing Assistance Act -

Variation - No. 135 of 1993 (S205, dated 1 October 1993).

Variation to HomeBuyer Housing Assistance Program - No. 136 of 1993 (S205, dated 1 October 1993).

Variation to Scheme for Providing or Assisting in Providing Dwelling Houses - No. 137 of 1993 (S205, dated 1 October 1993).

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