Page 3307 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 12 October 1993
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Tourism Commission - Advisory Board
MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, on 26 August I was asked a question without notice by Mr Humphries concerning Mr Charles Wright. I have provided Mr Humphries with that answer, Madam Speaker, but I seek leave to have it incorporated in Hansard.
Leave granted.
Document incorporated at Appendix 1.
Band Festival
MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, on 24 August Mr Kaine asked me a series of questions relating to the international high school band festival. I seek leave to have that answer incorporated in Hansard as well.
Leave granted.
Document incorporated at Appendix 2.
Supply and Tender Agency
MR CONNOLLY: Madam Speaker, on 14 September Mr Westende asked me a question about some details of staff of and financial allocations to the Supply and Tender Agency. All of that was canvassed in the Estimates Committee, but I seek leave to have incorporated in Hansard a formal answer to Mr Westende's question.
Leave granted.
Document incorporated at Appendix 3.
MR HUMPHRIES: Madam Speaker, I seek leave to make a personal explanation under standing order 46.
MADAM SPEAKER: Proceed, Mr Humphries.
MR HUMPHRIES: There are two matters, Madam Speaker. A moment ago in answering a question the Chief Minister made a remark about consultation between the Liberal Opposition in the ACT Assembly and the Liberal Opposition in the Federal Parliament. She asserted that there had been no consultation between the Opposition, and Mrs Carnell in particular, and members of the Federal Parliament, and Senator Macdonald in particular. That is not true. Senator Macdonald has been in close consultation with the ACT Liberals about the position - - -
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