Page 3226 - Week 10 - Thursday, 16 September 1993

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There are two others that I will mention briefly. One is from the Housing Trust - a pilot program for tenants at the Bega, Allawah and Coorong flats that I look forward to hearing more about. I also look forward to the establishment of the community safety committee to be chaired by the well-known Canberran, Ken Begg.

Madam Speaker, I do wish to comment briefly on the detail of budget paper No. 4, Capital Works 1993-94, page 39, which refers to the draft variation for Richardson, the Tuggeranong Homestead site. I will quote the relevant passage. It states:

Richardson Infrastructure Stage 1.

External infrastructure including road works and sewerage that is required for the development of the first land release package in Richardson Section 450.

Completion Date: August 1994

The sum allocated is $756,000. It has been made abundantly clear by the ACT Legislative Assembly's Standing Committee on Planning, Development and Infrastructure that it finds the practice of including timeframes for developments which have not gone through the variation process reprehensible. It appears that the compilers of the final capital works budget paper have not received that message. The entries for the other variations - - -

Mr Wood: How do you handle it? We may be going down this path.

MS SZUTY: I will show you. On the very same page you refer to North Watson infrastructure stage 1 and North Duffy infrastructure stage 1. It says that the completion date is "dependent on plan variation". You did not do that for the Tuggeranong Homestead site.

In conclusion, Madam Speaker, in my speech this afternoon I have attempted to assess the Government's budget fairly. I believe that overall the ACT Government's budget strategy is appropriate. However, I remain gravely concerned about the planned expenditure reductions in health and education in the light of an anticipated recurrent budget surplus of $12.8m at the end of the 1993-94 financial year.

MR DE DOMENICO (4.33): Madam Speaker, I rise very briefly to comment on the budget.

Mr Connolly: Is that a promise?

MR DE DOMENICO: It depends on the number of interjections I get because I will react to those as they come along, as you know, Mr Connolly.

Mr Lamont: That is a nice tie, Mr De Domenico.

MR DE DOMENICO: It is the same as yours, thank you, Mr Lamont. Madam Speaker, to get back to the business of the response to the budget - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: It would be appropriate, yes.

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