Page 3220 - Week 10 - Thursday, 16 September 1993

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The fourth great myth is that this is a budget based on social justice. I raised with the Chief Minister the question of social justice for the ageing, for whom she professes so much concern. But here we are, in 1993, four years after self-government, with the fourth Labor budget, and there was no provision whatsoever in there for the ageing. In fact, what they have generally done is reduce some of the concessions that the ageing have had up until now. They have reduced the 50 per cent rate concession by putting a $300 cap on it. Anybody who has been getting a concession higher than that in previous years is now going to lose part of that concession. This is the myth of social justice. The Chief Minister, I believe, misled the Assembly yesterday when she talked about the home and community care program, and I tried to get to this at question time today.

Mr Lamont: I rise to take a point of order, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker.

MR KAINE: She can deal with that when she comes back. She is not here to listen, and she should be. I am going to prove my point, Mr Lamont.

Mr Lamont: Excuse me. I am sorry; I have a point of order.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Westende): What is your point of order?

MR KAINE: I said that I believe that she did. I am not making any accusation and she may want to consider whether she did. I will make my point, if you do not mind, Mr Lamont.

Mr Lamont: I am sorry; I have raised a point of order.

Mr De Domenico: Go back to your seat.

Mr Cornwell: Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, a point of order cannot be moved by somebody who is out of his seat.

MR KAINE: Exactly. I would like to refer, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker - - -

Mr Lamont: Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I rise to take a point of order. The former Leader of the Opposition has accused the Chief Minister of misleading this Assembly. I seek that he withdraw.

MR KAINE: Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I did not, and I do not withdraw. I said that I believe that she may have, and that is a matter for the Chief Minister to consider.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Kaine, I clearly heard you. I heard you say, "I believe that she may have misled ...". Those are the words I clearly heard. There is no point of order.

MR KAINE: When you read what the Chief Minister said yesterday and what the Minister for Community Services said today, you have to ask the question. I quote what the Chief Minister said yesterday:

I am pleased to advise that additional funding has been provided through the home and community care program ...

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