Page 3194 - Week 10 - Thursday, 16 September 1993

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MR BERRY: What, in effect, has happened is that you wanted the sport regulated, you did not provide the wherewithal for it, and now the Government is fixing it.

Mr De Domenico: You mean that you stuffed it up again and now you are trying to get out of it.

MR BERRY: No, you lot did not think it through. Whilst you said that you wanted it regulated, you did not even have the wherewithal to get it right. You did not even think about it. This is the type of activity the people opposite have vilified me for trying to stop. You ought to be embarrassed about it - "The Forbidden Sport. Canberra goes to war. Prettiest Rounds Girls in town. Fighters Wanted". That is the sort of program you people are supporting. If you think that is a fun pastime between yourselves and Ms Szuty, good on you; but I do not, and neither does the Government.

What about the organisers? There was exploitation of somebody in dire straits - the young fellow that needed a transplant - exploitation to gain publicity for that so-called last regulated bout. That is what they thought. Do you know what little Jamie got out of it? He got $70. What a disgrace! I note that the Consumer Affairs Bureau is still investigating the issue. Somebody criticised the Government. I think it was the man in the pink and grey suit over here. He was the one that criticised the Government for not doing something about the issue. Compare that with the $3,500 - - -

Mr Moore: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. I heard Mr Berry refer to another member as a galah. I think that what he was looking for was the notion of a bush turkey, better known as a bustard.

MADAM SPEAKER: I will reflect on that, Mr Moore.

MR BERRY: Compare that with the $3,500 which was raised at a Raiders game organised by me.

Mr De Domenico: Come on!

MR BERRY: It is true. I organised it.

Mr De Domenico: You did, did you? Alone? Personally? You picked up the phone and organised it?

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry has the floor.

MR BERRY: Do not criticise me on that score, because we raised the money. The organisers of that event just sought to use that young person to get that event on, and you people were suckered in by it. You even went to the event. How dare you! What a disgrace! On one day you say that you want it regulated and the next day you are over there, giving patronage to an unregulated event.

Mr Cornwell: Nonsense! You had just agreed to have it go ahead.

MR BERRY: It was disgraceful.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Berry, address your remarks to the Chair. Order, please!

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