Page 2992 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 14 September 1993

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Mrs Carnell: He is the chief executive. He is not on the board.

MR BERRY: Mrs Carnell said, "He is not on the board". Wrong again! Go out to the community and tell a few more big ones. Read the legislation. In company with Mr Neck are Ms Rhyll Scales and Ms Lesley Piko.

Mr De Domenico: What experience has she got?

MR BERRY: She has a great deal of experience in accountancy, Mr De Domenico. Your leader sticks her head down because she is ashamed of you. Ms Piko has a great deal of experience - so much experience that the former Alliance Government appointed her to a board.

Mr De Domenico: In fact, she was on the board of the Chamber of Commerce with Mrs Carnell.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry has the floor.

MR BERRY: She ought to be ashamed of you. They all bring extensive experience in contributing to the operations of ACTTAB through board membership. I have mentioned Mr Phillip Neck. He has been an owner and a breeder of racehorses. This is just to demonstrate that what you tell people out there in the community is untrue and people ought not believe you. He was an administrator of the Oak Bank Race Club in South Australia, where he was also chairman for 10 years. He knows a bit about race clubs. Mr Neck has held the position of chief executive of ACTTAB for the past two-and-a-half years. I would say that Mr Neck knows his way around a racetrack and knows his way around the TAB industry.

Ms Rhyll Scales was a member of the previous board, so she knows a bit about the board. Ms Scales brings to the board a vast amount of experience as a past public servant and a professional woman in the business field. Are you critical of that appointment? Ms Scales is a very keen racing person. She brings more racing experience to the board. So again it demonstrates that you tell porkies out there in the community.

Mr Humphries: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker.

MR BERRY: I withdraw that. You do not tell the truth out there in the community. That is demonstrated by what I have put before the Assembly here today. Ms Scales is highly respected by all members of the racing fraternity. Ms Piko, as I mentioned, brings to the board expertise in the accountancy field, with a background not only in the public service but also in private practice, providing the board with a blend of racing and professional business experience.

Mr Athol Williams, one whom you criticised, was appointed a director of the previous ACTTAB Ltd board in July 1991 - so he knows a bit about the TAB - and has acted as the chairperson of that board. Very clearly, he understands the workings of the board. He has brought his experience to the new board which he also chairs. Mr Williams has extensive experience in the racing industry, having been a board member and vice-president of the Canberra Greyhound Racing Club and a board member of Canberra and District Racing and Sporting Broadcasters Ltd. He was the Greyhound Racing Club's chief steward until his appointment to the ACTTAB Ltd board.

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